Friday, February 11, 2011

It takes two to tango, and one of them is me

That's right, I bucked up and did not call in fake-sick *cough* *cough* to today's session.  There was definitely dancing and it was somewhat uncomfortable.  But there were also tiny moments when I felt like a different person, lighter on my feet - literally.

The message itself was artfully done, showing examples through different dance exchanges of how people interact in life, both as leads and as 'follow-throughs'.  The distinction between a follower and a follow-through is that a follow-through is an active part of the process, without whom there is no completion.  Anyway, I can't do Barbara's message justice, it was so smooth and effortless - just like her dancing.  She was also really funny, praising our beautiful moves while a chorus of "oops, I'm sorry about your foot" rang through the room.

For me, the most thought-provoking part of the session was actually on break, when one of the other journeyers and I were discussing our discomfort and I stated that I was 'okay' with the fact that I was not graceful and could not dance, and that I had never tried to change that.  She asked me if that was true in other parts of my life, that I don't even try things that I think I will not be great at.

I've had that thought about myself before, but just as I did then, I wonder now if it is a character flaw to not branch out and try things I see as doomed to failure, or if it is just part of my practical, efficient character to not waste energy in areas I will never be exceptional in.   More thinking to do on that one I guess.

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