Monday, February 7, 2011

Finding Satisfaction

My coaching goal this week is to notice the things in my life that bring me satisfaction.  It's a much better goal that a few weeks ago when I focussed on all the small things at work that were putting me in a bad mood.  I think writing them down made it worse, plus it made me feel like as much of a bad-attitude-complainer as the people I was complaining about!

So - here are a few of yesterday and today's 'moments of satisfaction'

- surprising Lawrence with a buffet-style dinner (his favorite)
- watching Mike and Lawrence play baseball
- finishing an assignment for my class
- having all the travel arrangements for the conference finalized
- a whole day where I asked every single student I saw something about their life outside academics
- I did not go out for Yogurt Extreme at lunch
- cleaned off a file that has been on my desk forever
- decided not to go to a documentary in Newberg (no stressful rush hour/nighttime driving, get home before 10, Lawrence doesn't have to go and be bored to tears)

It is much more fun to focus on what makes me happy than what was driving me nuts, and I don't feel as bothered by all that other nonsense as much this week either - coincidence?

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