So, I survived my public speaking, kindof. I could feel the red on my face, so that's always pleasant. Paul Biwan, the faciliator, commented that even for those of us who struggled, in the environment we were supported and that was why everyone was able to get through it, we knew that our audience would be patient. Many people commented that they disliked speaking to a group, so at least I had company in my misery.
The day as a whole was very interesting. We were given several resources as we choose our initial path. Six suggested starting points are listed in the handbook, and also the books Good to Great and Leadership from the Inside Out. Then it was said that everything suggested in the workshop should be considered as an invitation. There won't be time to accept and take advantage of all the invitations, but by honestly and diligently pursuing a few you'll get more from the experience.
It was kind of surreal. Information with no assignments, no solid expectations other than to grow as a person. I'm somehow more nervous than I was this morning. What if I fail at self-improvement? Past experience has shown introspection to be an exhausting and sometimes painful process. I'm hoping once I read through the workbook and pick a first step I will feel less daunted by the process of bushwacking a trail through all the possibilities I've always considered too hard...
Hmm, nope, picking a first step has not quelled the overwhelming wall I feel myself facing. I had trouble with the exercises in the workbook, feeling inadequate and as if I am not at the level required to even start the journey...