Thursday, December 23, 2010

Book thoughts: Leadership from the inside out - Introdution

"Whether we are at an early stage in our career, a mid-level manager, or a senior executive, we are all CEOs of our own lives".  (p. 22)

Really makes it hard to blame the current state of my life on externalities...if by 'clarifying [my] inner identity, purpose and vision so [my life] thereafter is dedicated to a more conscious, intentional manner of living and leading' (p. 27) I can find greater satisfaction with what I have, or the courage to take the bold steps to change it,  I am (extremely tentatively) on board.

I have always considered self-help and positive thinking to be pathetic wastes of time and/or money, but I have begun to recognize lately, even before beginning Journey, that it is easy to make fun of things I am unwilling to try.  It's like stating that something I've never tasted is 'disgusting', another bothersome habit I must own up to.

So, this chapter made me wonder if I am really ready to jump on the insideout/outsidein train to sunshine and rainbows in my life.  I am more than skeptical of success, I am cynical towards the very process.  Sit and listen to my non-judgmental mind?  Really?  What if once my mind settles and I pose the big questions of What is it that is really important to me? and What is the life I want to live? there is just a blank void of space with the occasional unpaid bill flitting through?  Again I wonder if it is possible to fail at self-reflection.

This books claims that it will help me face my toughest challenges and 'lean into the light'.  I'm hoping a good night of sleep will quiet the snarky voice in my mind laughing at that claim.  One of the things I hope to work with a coach on during the Journey is to be open-minded and to honestly explore the various paths open to me as part of the program.  Even though I know that my sarcasm and negativity make me unhappy, they have been my shield against situations that I felt were beyond my control and abandoning them seems both frightening and a little bit stupid.

It's only the Introduction and I'm already nervous.

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